Thursday, April 05, 2007

27th April

That's the date for 4 assignments' submisison. It's not going to be very though, it is not going to be easy at all, no matter how and what i will need to complete it on time. As of today, i still have 22 days, which convert to 5.5days per assignment. With so much events around the corner, oh man, i am really gonna miss a bunch of fun!

I rarely text anyone on the phone and almost don't call anyone because of these assignments. I am always with the phone texting and talking no matter where am i, damn, i kinda miss those moments. The mentally is different now, whenever those who text me and ask question not related to what i need to worry now i tend to ignore it (sorry guys and gals), its not the fact that i want to ignore it, its just that i have no time to answer those and replying back text or call in the middle of my assignment will cut off my concentration on what i am working on.

These papers are really killing me, why is it need to be like this and why my lecturers, well why 2 out of 4 of my lecturers are noob and so-damn-ego about their teaching? Life sucks when you have such lectures giving you lectures that i'll rather stay home and do my assignments and researches my own self! Ya, i know college is all about your own commitment in your own studies, so i can get over it i guess, it would be so nice if you get some refund from your college fee if you are not satisfy with the lectures :)

So you happen to browse to my blog and you are 1 of my 4 lecturers? You better hope that you are not the 2 particular lecturer that i dont like(you know who you are). Anyway if you are really 1 of the 2, do take my feedback seriously and think bout it tonight before you fall asleep(if you are able to sleep after reading this), it is very kind of me not saying more about your lectures here and not submitting an official complaint/feedback to either to college's online feedback system or theStar's R.AGE team.


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